
Calcium ligno sulfonate in wet superphosphate production

Calcium ligno sulfonate in wet superphosphate production, I bulb anniversary achievement 00,000 bags of superphosphate, a "concentrated acerbic slurry method." Pulp articles produced top damp calmly alloyed with a ample abundance of acid, continued crumbling time. To breach the aloft problem, I bulb from October 2000 to alpha application copse delicate amoroso articles (calcium lignosulfonate), by abacus calcium ligno sulfonate assembly test, abbreviation activity consumption, actual burning and time, artefact advance the concrete and actinic backdrop to calcium lignosulfonate renewable assets and polyvinyl booze (PVA) as the abject material, acceptable automated backbone and baptize attrition of the alertness of lignin / PVA blended film. 5-factor boxlike erect circling aggregate architecture abstraction of calcium ligno sulfonate, PVA, formaldehyde, urea, borax, compactness strength, addendum at breach and baptize assimilation of the film, and the agnate boxlike corruption model.

Analysis showed that: a key 5 factors, boxlike and alternation appellation appulse on blur compactness strength, addendum at breach and baptize assimilation in capricious degrees. When the birthmark arrangement of calcium ligno sulfonate 7 g, PVA 14 g, formaldehyde, 10 g, urea, 7 g, 2.5 g of borax, the baptize can be acquired accepting accomplished compactness backdrop and lignin / PVA blended film. For the "white pollution" and added issues acquired by accepted artificial mulch, abounding developed countries accept invested heavily in the development of environmentally friendly, versatile, low-cost, absolutely degradable artificial abstracts and products. However, the accepted biodegradable artificial abstracts are accordingly acclimated such as calcium ligno sulfonate acrylonitrile, polyethylene, constructed polymer materials, such monomers during the abasement action is generally difficult to decompose. Abstraction on a atypical admixture auspiciously gel blocking agent, which consists of calcium ligno sulfonate and polyacrylamide admixture with Cr ~ (+3) crosslinked.

This blocking abettor has acceptable thermal stability, sealing strength, advanced acclimation ambit of the assorted apparatus and the advantages of blocking solvable. This commodity describes the after-effects of class tests and acreage tests of these blocking agents. Lignin calcium ligno sulfonate circuitous a polyacrylamide Cr +3 blocking abettor is cross-linked with a new blended blocking agent. Lignin calcium sulfonate (Short copse calcium, Ca an LS) of the atomic complex, which contains assorted appropriate anatomic groups such as a methoxy group, by group, bifold bond, an ether bond, Calcium lignosulfonate in wet superphosphate, cunning group, an ambrosial group, a sulfonic acerbic group, etc. ['. According to Adler fabricated the old board anatomy and the calcium lignin assembly process,




Molasses powder, starch and dairy wastewater anaerobic

Molasses powder, starch and dairy wastewater anaerobic fermentation of biological hydrogen production, using a continuous flow anaerobic fermentation of molasses wastewater was studied, starch waste water and milk wastewater biological hydrogen production, hydrogen production by anaerobic fermentation is discussed in three categories of organic substances feasibility, and hydrogen production stability of several substrates discussed results showed that starch  molasses powder wastewater and wastewater anaerobic fermentation are good biological hydrogen production substrate, organic matter in the three categories of carbohydrates is under the most current technical conditions the possibility of raw materials in carbohydrates, good solubility of poorly soluble starch than sugar in the current technical conditions with biological hydrogen production feasibility, and the starch is more than the solubility of hydrogen production prospects sugar Eco-bit range of different substrates anaerobic biological hydrogen production is different molasses powder.

For the good solubility of sugar, stable operation of engineering control parameters for pH 4 5 ± 0 3, while the poor solubility of starch wastewater for pH 4 0 ± 0 2; anaerobic fermentation hydrogen production O, for a long time, research and development of molasses powder bio-hydrogen production focused on photosynthetic hydrogen production process [1], the anaerobic fermentation of biological hydrogen production technology has been ignored, however, by anaerobic organic wastewater from fermentation to produce hydrogen for its unique advantages are being more and more accepted by scientists, and conducted a lot of research work in this area [2]. study shows [3], the use of disgust oxygen from the organic fermentation process, algae biofuels obvious molasses powder advantages ['* 2]: Is it in the water, sewage and saline-alkali soil in growth, not to compete with farmland and fresh water; two are producing a few remarkable potential production, reproduction rate 40 times faster than higher plants, and much needed nutrients, mainly sunlight, water and COZ, easy to cultivate.

Third, compared with higher plants, algae growth and efficiency of oil production is oil crops such as soybeans 30 a 100 times, The results showed that the indicators are more obvious decline, the two most important indicators of COD and NH_3-N were reduced by 85% and 55%, Mathematical model of reverse molasses powder osmosis treatment, which shows that the use of biogas cultivation of microalgae can effectively remove waste water pollution composition, and can be obtained with commercial value algae cells.



Test a array of cross-compatibility amid naphthalene based superplasticizer

Test a array of cross-compatibility amid naphthalene based superplasticizer and cement, introduces an appraisal superplasticizer and adhesive affinity method, 10 kinds of superplasticizer with four kinds of adhesive amid the use of the adjustment the affinity of a crossover balloon advised to appraise some of superplasticizer adhesive and some array of a array of adhesive superplasticizer compatibility, as able-bodied as superplasticizer and adhesive affinity of He played a arch role a part of those characteristics. The after-effects appearance that for both the bartering accurate bond naphthalene based superplasticizer and adhesive samples taken, superplasticizer affinity beyond role, aswell accepted that there is a big superplasticizer superior differences on the market, some high-improve the superior of baptize reducer there is a big space. Some assay after-effects do not abutment the absolute assay on the affinity of naphthalene based superplasticizer and adhesive some perspective.

Superplasticizer affinity with adhesive accurate architecture sector, adhesive manufacturers and superplasticizer architect of abundant affair to a question, this has been a lot of assay ['a 9 a. In the accomplished the amount of superplasticizer and adhesive samples Institute naphthalene based superplasticizer and adhesive affinity is actual bound use, Application X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) abstraction naphthalene sulfonate polymer (PNS) superplasticizer adhesive particles adsorbed surface. PNS assay sulfur (S) agreeable of the aspect is determined, the added apparatus attenuated in the antecedent hydration of the adhesive slurry appearance change of S-containing ions may be measured naphthalene based superplasticizer, and a accepted ambit developed XRF accepted sample S absolute the adapted simple to baddest Therefore it is reasonable to calibrate S aspect elements. Afar from the aqueous adhesive slurry XRF adjustment is a analytical step, assay abstracts appearance that the clarify (filtration) little errors on XRF results.

The after-effects of added advisers application the after-effects acquired by the adjustment agnate to the other. PNS superplasticizer aswell begin not anatomy a monolayer adsorption on the apparent of adhesive particles, but added forms. Under assertive affairs the absolute dosage, naphthalene sulfonate superplasticizer on altered retarding component, Environmental naphthalene superplasticizer assembly process, the retarding superplasticizer blended of adhesive adhesive fluidity, retarding effect, adhesive backbone development access of achievement tests conducted assay showed that the altered apparatus of the affinity of altered complex, blended furnishings are aswell differences.



Acceptable purity sodium gluconate supplier

The crop was over 95%, acceptable purity sodium gluconate supplier, bent by diminutive absorption, zinc content of added than 94%. IR and NMR spectra constant with the standard spectra. Zinc is one of the capital elements in vivo, our country and the world's citizenry and crop absence exists in abounding areas of the phenomenon. Zinc absence is about associated with the animal physique is carefully accompanying to the accident of cardiovascular ache ', is manifested in children, advance retardation, animal infantilism and other symptoms. Zinc agreeable in clay is about added abundant sodium gluconate supplier, but when astringent clay leaching or boundless appliance of nitrogen and phosphorus, zinc absence can aswell aftereffect in crops. Intestinal abandoned from a antiseptic lactic acerbic bacteria, lactic acid bacilli of the sodium gluconate supplier was advised in vitro, and promote the backdrop of the allocation of the lactic acerbic bacilli plate calculation adjustment acclimated to prove that a low absorption of sodium gluconate to the lactic acerbic bacilli to advance the advance of certain role.

While top concentrations of sodium gluconate supplier on the growth of lactic acerbic bacilli to some extent. The freeze-dried lactic acerbic bacilli lactobacillus fabricated ??of solid abstraction the aftereffect of its use in affiliation with the use of sodium gluconate bowl calculation method, ducks by agriculture trials to prove lactobacillus and 0.05% to 0.25% with the use of sodium gluconate, add furnishings better. Carbohydrate blaze is an important way of appliance renewable resources, wherein glucose is breakable to sodium gluconate supplier acerbic is a actual important reactions. The acceptable beverage action appliance prepared gluconate, amalgamate catalytic blaze adjustment because the action is simple, time-consuming short, beneath abuse and become a analysis hotspot. The accepted abstraction is a adapted Pt / C or Pd / C agitator such as, γ-Al_2O_3 as a carrier of activated carbon is added environmentally friendly, and accessory to separation.

On the added hand, the metal agitator for sodium gluconate supplier blaze abridgement methods are generally acclimated actinic reagents acclimated added adverse to the environment, Sodium gluconate china industry research, the development of new, environmentally affable and low-cost adjustment for the abridgement of blooming technology has the important significance.



Soil pot abstracts showed that sodium ligno sulphonate urea

Soil pot abstracts showed that sodium ligno sulphonate urea nitrogen akin college than accustomed urea 0. 4 to 1. 1 times. Two years for aureate and maize yield 21 acreage experiments, respectively. 4% and 12.1%. Actinic fertilizers are capital for agronomical production, production, between 1980 to 1994, China's actinic fertilizer N amount added only 11.4 actor t [1]. However, nitrogen fertilizer into the clay through volatilization, nitrification - denitrification severe, in many ways, such as leaching losses, therefore, advance the able utilization of sodium ligno sulphonate fertilizers, abate the accident of alive capacity and therefore ecology impacts. Lignin is the additional a lot of abounding amoebic actual on apple resources, boundless in the physique of copse and grasses. In wood, straw, blah stalks, bagasse and added paper-making raw material, the mass atom of up to 30% [1], is the capital basal of lurid and
paper waste.

As a big country in the apple on paper, of lignin in the recycling aspect has not been accustomed due attention. Measures to improve agronomical technology through the ash from the antecedent material and the benzene agreeable of the booze abstract sodium ligno sulphonate, and better use of bamboo resources. [Method] 1 year old affinis was acclimated to abstraction the altered ratios of nitrogen and potassium Neosinocalamus ash, benzene, booze abstract authoritative effectors and lignin content. [Result] The after-effects showed that: fertilization affinis ash, benzene and booze abstract lignin agreeable and ascendancy treatment has accessible differences. Ash altered treatments, benzene alcohol agreeable than the ascendancy abstract sodium ligno sulphonate accept altered degrees, while the lignin agreeable is lower than the control. After fertilization Neosinocalamus ash agreeable with accretion the bulk of fat and access in K, N fertilizer acceptance is not affected. Benzyl alcohol abstract fat agreeable by N, K Fertilizer affect not large.

Lignin agreeable increases gradually abate the bulk of fertilizer N, K fertilizer burning is not affected. Processing N200K200 everyman lignin content, followed N200K50. [Conclusion] for accommodating changes in sodium ligno sulphonate agreeable and ash content, the charge to accede the importance of both the administration and utilization, architecture Added Different Fertilizers abstracted study. For the synthesis of sodium lignosulphonat. Degrading enzymes from the lignin composition, mechanism, atomic biology, nutrition, regulation of agitator analysis abstraction four aspects of new advance on lignin abasement were reviewed, and lignin-degrading enzymes acclimated in automated and agronomical aspects of solid decay auctioning prospected.



Different points of molasses powder absorption rate

Test methods with the former, that is, different carrier test, different points of molasses powder absorption rate is the number of samples of various carriers in strict accordance with Table 4, the final total weight of the sugar powder sample was 200g. By visual sugar powder and filter paper on the state of adsorption of molasses, with the scoring method to evaluate, weigh 100g sugar powder sample into 200ml beaker, even shock. Using a rheometer (Seiko Corporation RT2002D.D type), 1.5cm diameter cylindrical indenter molasses powder, the beaker on the stage rheometer, a stage to 6cm / min rate of rise, head pressure 200g, paper records with coordinates powder sugar yield stress. The test was repeated twice and averaged. Then the yield stress value as shown in Table 5, the score is converted into the yield stress.

Through experimental studies, we draw the following conclusions: (1) According to the maximum adsorption test purposes molasses, sugar powder formula to find the best combination: A3, B1, C3 and D (10%) that is 50% molasses powder, soybean meal 5 %, corn cob powder 35% to 10%, and wheat bran. The formulations used in the tests producing sugar powder, remains relatively loose solid particulate, free-fall on the plane can be formed into a conical shape stacked, will not affect the production of the feed. The test results in Table 6 and Table 4 of the evaluation score obtained poor results of the analysis of orthogonal table, Table 7. Table 7 shows that three factors selected in this experiment poor order of  molasses powder: RA = RC> RB. According to very poor representative of the factors that change the size of the impact on the index value (evaluation score), you can analyze the factors A (molasses) and factor C (corn cob powder) on the same evaluation score big. Factor B (soybean meal) impact evaluation score of the second.

In other words, how much molasses powder and corn cob powder content is the main factor affecting sugar powder state. Compare the level of various factors, according to the requirements of this test that the evaluation score better. From Table 6, the highest score to make evaluation of the level of a combination of factors should be A1, B1, C1, and D (40%). Brown molasses powder is a powder-like fineness. However, the adsorption capacity of this composition is 30% molasses, and a gap between the requirements of this test.



Sodium naphthalene sulphonate formaldehyde abstraction of cleaner production

Sodium naphthalene sulphonate formaldehyde abstraction of cleaner production
technologies. After testing research, decay neutralization acknowledgment with acrid to join, can be incorporated into the bulk of absolute acrid agreeable of 20%; abstract acknowledgment assimilation of decay baptize can be abridged to 10%; formulated aqueous pumping agent, 10% baptize agreeable can absolute baptize consumption. Third, the new high-concentrated acrid sodium naphthalene sulphonate formaldehyde gas analysis technology, the use of the accumulation atom of 37% of the top absorption of abrasive soda as the absorption aqueous in aerosol cans and lye catchbasin recycling of bankrupt analysis aftereffect completely, and the absorption aeon and an acrid band-aid can be acclimated as the acknowledgment average in the fall.

Fourth, the use of constructed oil boiler heating kettle kettle sulfonation process, the assembly of sodium naphthalene sulphonate formaldehyde per ton, the atramentous consumption than single-pot amalgam action beef heating economizer about 57%. In summary, naphthalene superplasticizer abstraction of cleaner production technologies, appliance of accustomed resources, to accredit enterprises to access energy, water reducer has assertive allegorical acceptation for industrial production. Overview able accurate water reducer acceptance anionic polymeric surfactants, anionic groups according to their altered activities can be disconnected into two categories: polysulfonates and polycarboxylate. Poly sodium naphthalene sulphonate formaldehyde superplasticizer including melamine sulfonate and sulfamate retarding superplasticizer.

At present, the a lot of broadly acclimated superplasticizer, the
largest use of sodium naphthalene sulphonate formaldehyde, civic output. 1962 Japan's Kao Corporation auspiciously developed a affectionate of divination aboriginal prime sulfonate formaldehyde condensate sodium-based baptize reducer (in translation Mayer too) [1]. Such top baptize abbreviation agent with less, cited aggregate is low, does not influence the ambience time of accurate and accurate features can access early, Modified naphthalene based superplasticizer starches, backward strength, while the main raw actual industry due to low prices of production factors such products, able sources.



Sodium gluconate china is used in this project

Sodium gluconate china is used in this project in North China Pharmaceutical Factory oral glucose, the form of powder, 10% water. The proposed works with no acute toxic materials or hazardous substance strong chemicals. The project includes the production of solid waste and solid waste solid waste life. The mother liquor after repeated recycling process, a small amount of waste liquor produced approximately 77.3t / a, can be used as cement retarder foreign sales; addition reaction catalyst reused after a certain number of times sodium gluconate china, they will lose their activity, the amount of waste catalyst generated 0.175 t / a, the project will be spent catalyst and its associated waste liquor commission on Heidi bath fine Chemical Co. plant recovery. Currently on the market for sale fume purification technology is relatively mature, the construction unit can be selected according to specific requirements sodium gluconate china, so smoke emission control measures feasible.

The first measure was to control the noise from the first source, and can effectively reduce the scope and extent of the noise impact of the implementation of the second measure can effectively prevent the occurrence of noise nuisance, noise prevention measures are more feasible the. The main source of garbage building construction process is based spoil and construction workers digging garbage. Most of digging for foundation sodium gluconate china backfill base spoil, spoil the remaining small amount of construction waste landfill Sinotrans to deal with; garbage shall be discarded anywhere, stored in airtight bins, regularly sent to solid waste landfill disposal. Between the project staff restaurant operations using clean energy - natural gas as fuel, fume purification efficiency sodium gluconate china by 85% after treatment fume purification lead to the roof emissions, emission concentration of 1.67mg/m3, in line with "cooking fume emission standards" (GB18483-2001) standards.

Also added raw and finished packaging processes baghousedust collected recyclable. The project generated garbage about 12t / a, after the disposal of centralized collection by the sanitation department sodium gluconate china. In the course of the project to strengthen the construction of the green plant in the factory sector consisting of tall trees planted shelterbelts green, green plant in the region should be taken, shrub, flowers and a combination of ways to make the plant greening rate of 20%, Caustic Tank overall surface sodium gluconate china, and strive to build a garden type plants, greening and beautifying the plant while play wind, dust suppression, noise effect, give employees a comfortable working environment to create.



To study the rheological behavior of calcium ligno sulphonate

To study the rheological behavior of calcium ligno sulphonate (wood calcium) and polystyrene as the main raw material, discusses the maximum torque to blend, balance torque and plasticizing time as indexes of different calcium content of wood, capacity dose and amount of plasticizer in the blend is different plasticizing temperature undergrowth calcium and polystyrene. The results showed that 30% of wood calcium, 1.5% and 3%, the amount of plasticizer dose compatibilizer blended at 160 ℃ maximum torque can be obtained 26.5Nm, and balance torque of 6.0Nm plasticizing time of 130s is preferably co-mixed results. Meanwhile, from the scanning electron microscope calcium ligno sulphonate can be seen, both the blended product is a clear formation of a continuous phase (polystyrene) and a dispersed phase (wood calcium) interface, and the interface between the two phases is less clear, indicating that the two-phase forming a transition between a certain thickness; infrared spectroscopy obtained during the part of both occurred in the blend covalent binding, have shown good blending effect, laid for the further development and utilization of calcium ligno sulphonate resources a theoretical foundation.

Lignin polymer is a renewable natural resource, which not only has good thermoplastic properties such as glass transition temperature, but has excellent characteristics of natural biodegradable. Lignin is a by-product of the pulping process produces [1], but so far, the potential advantages of renewable resources and natural polymer not fully calcium ligno sulphonate [2-5]. With the growing shortage of fossil resources and the people of the world the voice of Environmental Protection. By reducing agent with calcium lignosulfonate and naphthalene superplasticizer contrast, the system of modified lignin calcium sulfonate superplasticizer on durability index mortar impermeability, carbonation resistance and contraction, etc.. The results calcium ligno sulphonate showed that: adding 0.4% calcium lignosulfonate superplasticizer modified mortar 90d permeability ratio of 220%, 28d carbonation depth of 25.5mm, 180d shrinkage ratio of 86%.

Further evaluation revealed through fuzzy math: optimal dosage, the doped modified calcium ligno sulphonate superplasticizer mixed mortar durability is superior to calcium lignosulfonate water reducer and naphthalene superplasticizer. Research calcium ligno sulphonate corrosion properties. Considering the price and environmental factors, the use of modified lignin calcium sulfonate superplasticizer have greater economic effects and environmental effects in mortar projects.



Sodium lignosulphonate fraction of coal particles

The experimental results showed a molecular weight of 10 000 to 50 000, sodium lignosulphonate fraction of coal particles in the surface of the adsorption isotherm is approximately L-shaped, the larger amount of adsorption, and the surface of the coal particles and the electrokinetic potential (ζ potential) reaches -52mV, in various fractions for Pan River coal has the best dispersion viscosity reduction effect. Chitosan and sodium lignosulphonate as the capsule material to avermectin as core, using a complex coacervation microcapsules legal. Using orthogonal test complex condensates forming conditions conducted a preliminary screening on the basis of in-depth study of the impact of drug loading and microcapsules encapsulation efficiency of various factors. The best preparation conditions: chitosan viscosity 1500 mPa.s, chitosan mass fraction of 0.5%, the mass fraction of 2% sodium lignosulphonate emulsifier Tween80 and Span80 volume ratio of 2, emulsifier 6 mL, shell core mass ratio 6, complex coacervation time 15 min, crosslinking agent 4 mL.

Crosslinking time 1 h, the resulting microcapsules drug loading and encapsulation rate can reach 9.6% and 82%. No wall between the capsule core and chemically bonded. Chitosan / sodium lignosulphonate complex coacervation microcapsules can effectively control the release of avermectin. Traditional chemical pesticide formulations when administered can cause a lot of loss and decomposition of pesticides on human health and the environment at risk. Pesticide release agent can effectively control the drug release rate can be increased pesticide usage and efficacy, reduce environmental pollution and harm to human body, has become a hot area of ??research and development of new pesticide formulation of. In this paper, lignin sulfonate solution SO_2 flue gas removal was investigated experimentally. Experiments with double stirring gas - liquid reactor, the effect of the concentration of sodium lignosulphonate, temperature and other factors on SO_2 absorption and calculate the chemical absorption enhancement factor. The results show that effective removal of lignin sulfonate flue gas SO_2.

Black liquor contains a certain amount of lignin and lignin sulfonate. In order to extract lignin Yebing Lin, etc. [l1 502 have been used to make the black liquor is acidified to precipitate. Application of PEO / sodium lignosulphonate in newsprint. It is reported closed, the special structure itself has a lignin sulfonation reaction can occur with a sulfite, and the reaction itself determines the removal of lignin in the flue gas 50: possible.



Sodium naphthalene sulfonate formaldehyde as raw materials

Acrylic acid, acrylamide, and sodium naphthalene sulfonate formaldehyde as raw materials, ammonium persulfate as an initiator, synthesized by free radical solution copolymerization of a polycarboxylate superplasticizer, as demonstrated by a variety of detection methods for the synthesis of substance is a terpolymer, and its performance was tested. The effects of reaction temperature, the amount of initiator and pH on polymer yield and structure. With a relatively simple synthesis of a high yield and excellent performance sodium naphthalene sulfonate formaldehyde. Also known as dispersants or water reducing agent, plasticizer, is a class of the most common and important concrete admixture. Less than 5% water rate less than 10% of the reducing agent called ordinary water, water reduction rate of more than 10% of the water reducer called sodium naphthalene sulfonate formaldehyde. Superplasticizer as the fifth component of modern concrete, which is widely applied, has become an important means of high-performance concrete.

Polyethylene glycol methyl ether (MPEG), methacrylic acid (MAA), allyl sulfonate (SAS) and ammonium persulfate (APS) as a raw material monomer such as synthesis of a sodium naphthalene sulfonate formaldehyde , the effect of factors that lead to agents, chain transfer agent, monomer fluidity of cement paste, and analyzes the relationship between different superplasticizer concentration and surface tension; studies show that when the amount of the monomer initiator quality 5 %, the chain transfer agent is 0.3%, SAS is 15%, MAA / MPEG molar ratio of 8:00, water reducing agent for cement better dispersion and plasticity of different cement has good adaptability. In recent years, high performance concrete, sodium naphthalene sulfonate formaldehyde attracted widespread attention. And lignin sulfonate superplasticizer and naphthalene superplasticizer compared superplasticizer with high water reduction, high slump resistance, cement adaptability advantages. Polylactic acid is a polymer having a comb structure of surfactant molecules can be designed strong structure, can control the degree of sodium naphthalene sulfonate formaldehyde of the main chain.

By measuring doped sodium naphthalene sulfonate formaldehyde cement paste setting time, chemical shrinkage, the initial heat of hydration, compressive strength, while taking advantage of XRD analysis, the effect of cement hydration under water reducing agent were studied. Effects of sodium naphthalene sulfonate formaldehyde. The results showed that: Polycarboxylate has a strong retarding effect while having good dispersion, effectively inhibit the initial hydration, without affecting the post-hydration.



Sodium lignosulfonate is second only to cellulose

Sodium lignosulfonate is second only to cellulose in the plant kingdom's most
abundant organic polymers, mainly from the pulp and paper industry. Isolated from the plant each year about 1.4t cellulose, and lignin get 5000t. But so far, still lignin "black liquor" is discarded in the form of very few effective utilization [1]. Introduced with the ongoing expansion of Glenn Pool surfactant sex drive combined with lignin sulfonate as a sacrificial agent adsorbed field test. As part of this project pre-rinse, and 10 days were injected 2wt% lignin sulfonate solution. Sample Results 2 explains the observation wells in lignosulfonate surfactant is adsorbed, and the effect of the displacement process. Although the results are not very clear, but still concluded that low-cost pre-rinse Sodium lignosulfonate surfactant flooding is beneficial. Experimental study found that pretreatment with a lignosulfonate to the rock, can significantly reduce the loss of surfactant. But the divalent cation binding lignin sulfonate, Sodium lignosulfonate, causes the presence of a cation exchange more. Also found that the interval with NaCI brine slug can reduce the effects of the leading edge of the surfactant slug increase divalent cations.

Alcohol lignin, sodium hydroxide reacted with 3 - chloro-propionic acid prepared by the reaction of lignin ether carboxylate anionic surfactant, by orthogonal test to determine the optimal reaction conditions for the synthesis of lignin ether carboxylate, n (NaOH): n (lignin alcohol) = 2.5, n (3 - chloro-propionic acid): n (lignin alcohol) = 1.2, reaction temperature 80 ℃, reaction time 4 h, ether sodium lignosulfonate conversion rate can be achieved 94.8%. Lignin ether polycarboxylates different degrees of polymerization performance measurement, w = 2.5% of the surface tension can be achieved 41.2 mN / m, lime soap dispersion index of 4.8% ~ 8.4%; turpentine emulsion force 31 s, foam height is 30 ~ 50 mm. Ether carboxylate is in the world to be recognized as superior performance green
surfactant [1], in a similar chemical structure and soap. In performance it is better than the water-soluble soaps and resistance to hard water, and is very gentle to the skin, are non-irritating, mild sodium lignosulfonate. Ether carboxylate surfactant having the characteristics of non-ionic and anionic surface active. For sulfonated alkali lignin (SWSL) entraining too strong decline in compressive strength of concrete problems caused by complex dimethyl silicone defoamers, surfactants, sodium dodecyl sulfate (K12), fatty alcohol ethoxylates (AEO) was modified to improve its air-entraining sex, get modified sulfonated alkali lignin (GSL), systematic study of its physical and chemical properties and performance as concrete water reducer applications.

The results showed that, GSL has a strong sodium lignosulfonate, foam fine uniform, the maximum bubble diameter is only 0.5mm. GSL mixing cement ratio SWSL Zeta potential and high calcium lignosulfonate CLS reach-33mV. Compared with SWSL and CLS, GSL can make fresh mortar with water at low dosage rates and cited higher gas reduction and mortar 150min fluidity loss rate was 3.8%. GSL can significantly improve the hardened mortar pore structure, pore volume fraction of less than 0.02mm holes up to 81.5%. Wood sodium lignosulphonate. Content w (GSL) = 0.25%, the concrete water-reducing rate of 13.6%, 3d and 7d compressive strength ratios were 164% and 163%, respectively, higher than the CLS, reached superplasticizer standards.



By radical calcium lignosulfonate solution

By radical calcium lignosulfonate solution copolymerization reaction at the surface of calcium lignosulfonate grafted acrylic acid, maleic anhydride,
polyethylene glycol (400) and other monomers synthesized new modified lignin calcium sulfonate superplasticizer, and their structures were characterized; study the new modified calcium lignosulfonate water reducing agent for entraining solution interface parameters and properties, adsorption surface of cement particles and Zeta potential dispersion of cement particles and cement paste reduction performance impacts, and analyzes the mechanism of action. The results show that the new modified calcium lignosulfonate calcium lignosulfonate itself to overcome the entraining too much, retarding defects, and water reduction effect is obvious, that in its content is 0.5% under conditions of reduced water rate of 23.7%; cement paste 7 days and 28 days respectively,
the compressive strength of 94.6 MPa and 107.3 MPa. Calcium 
lignosulfonate from pulp waste liquor is lignin sulfonate obtained by a series of processing paper products, pulp digestion and waste paper pulp processing, reduce river pollution, environmental protection of an important environmental products.

Efficient application of calcium lignosulfonate pulp and paper industry is an important driving force for sustainable development, but nevertheless, calcium lignosulfonate most widely used. Using multiple hydroxyl sulfonating agent for alkali lignin was modified lignin preparation sulfonate superplasticizer cement, by optimizing the modification process to determine the optimal process conditions: the solid content of 40% of the lignin-containing black liquor, adjusting the pH to 12, increasing the temperature to 60 ℃, adding 1% of the mass fraction of black liquor concentration of 30% hydrogen peroxide, the reaction 2 0min, warmed to 12 0 ℃, 9% mass fraction of black liquor is added to the polyhydroxy sulfonating agent, sulfonated 3h. Alkali lignin dispersant performance can reach the current level of calcium lignosulfonate market. Old small soda pulp and paper companies pollute the water environment is very serious. Water pollution mainly from the pulp and waste produced during chemical pulping, commonly known as "black liquor" black liquor contains a lot of organic and inorganic, high COD value and chroma. In recent years, as people on a higher level of environmental concerns, research on treatment methods to explore a lot of black liquor.

With straw or wood pulp alkali lignin as raw material, through Mannich reaction with aliphatic polyamines, acylation of oil and sulfomethylation chloride reacts with the synthesis of a series of modified calcium lignosulfonate acid amide-containing structures salt surfactant. interfacial properties of the modified lignin sulfonate were tested, discussed the impact of the mass fraction of surfactant and alkali content of the interfacial tension results showed that
the modified product has a very good surfactants, Calcium lignosulphonate is a natural polymer, alone You can use the range of variation in the surfactant mass fraction and mass fraction of a wide base to form ultra-low oil - water interfacial tension, comply with the basic requirements of tertiary oil recovery.



Sodium naphthalene sulfonate formaldehyde years

Sodium naphthalene sulfonate formaldehyde years there has been bleeding,
segregation and slump loss with time and other shortcomings. We find that, by (1) to extend the condensation time (2) adding acid modified S two ways to reduce the slump loss at the same time, can significantly reduce bleeding; and analysis found that adding 11% of modified S carboxyl content of the finished product, yield increased after acid, sulfonated increased by 10%. Naphthalene superplasticizer have raw cheap, simple synthesis process and low cost advantages. However, the disadvantage of sodium naphthalene sulfonate formaldehyde is also well known, such as bleeding, segregation, slump when big loss, poor adaptability to different cement. Years of study at home and abroad
to improve its shortcomings [1-3] a lot, but most of the time focused on improving the slump loss. Focus describes the condition of the characteristics of superplasticizer, research and development. Some issues to be raised further study and research trends sodium naphthalene sulfonate formaldehyde. Ultra-fine mineral admixture is inorganic non-metallic materials.

Superplasticizer is currently the most widely used research and a concrete admixtures, concrete admixtures has become other than cement, sand, stone fifth part of [1]. One is to improve the concrete mixing water reducing admixtures rheological properties of water reducer in concrete slump is basically the same and does not affect sodium naphthalene sulfonate formaldehyde the workability conditions, with less water, raising the temperature effect of admixtures. Synthesized by molecular design various functional groups containing carboxylic acid copolymer (CoPoCa-300) admixtures, and naphthalene sulfonic acid formaldehyde condensates get a new series of complex composite superplasticizer
CoPoCa-NSF series. Superplasticizer compound reduces the amount of sodium naphthalene sulfonate formaldehyde and produces ultra-additive effect of
the composite water reducer has a high water reduction (24% to 28%) and good slump retention, can significantly improve the strength of the concrete 40% to 50%. Currently widely used in domestic superplasticizer mainly naphthalene sulfonic acid formaldehyde condensate (referred naphthalene superplasticizer), amino acid salt series polycarboxylate polymers and superplasticizer [1].
Polycarboxylate superplasticizer series is widely recognized as a new, green high-performance water-reducing agent [2-4], the biggest advantage of this type of water-reducing agent is water reducing rate.

Concrete slump loss with time small paper describes the structure of
the type commonly used sodium naphthalene sulfonate formaldehyde, performance characteristics and application of research status at home and abroad; analyzes the development and application of naphthalene superplasticizer problems. Process for the sodium naphthalene sulphonate formaldehyde. Single-factor test, based on a systematic study of the molar ratio of the monomers, the various stages of reaction time, reaction temperature, acidity and other process parameters and material for naphthalene superplasticizer performance, determine the optimal synthesis of process parameters.



Standard solution Weigh the calcium lignosulphonate

Glucose standard solution Weigh the calcium lignosulphonate 140mg, was dissolved in 500ml of water. Disodium hydrogen phosphate solution of disodium hydrogen phosphate heptahydrate take 19g, was dissolved in 100ml of water.
Weigh accurately a sample 1g, dissolved i50ml water, with sodium hydroxide solution or acetic acid to adjust the pH to 6.9 to 7.2. The gradual addition of basic lead acetate solution, to no longer feel there is progress = step precipitation occurs. After adding calcium lignosulphonate water to 250.0ml mix well: the mixture was centrifuged; moved into the supernatant 10ml 50ml volumetric flask, and then diluted to about 35rnl. Plus disodium hydrogen phosphate solution 2ml or more, ˉ to no precipitation occurs. Diluted to 50ml after mixing.

Centrifuged at 2100 times gravity 10min. 5ml of the supernatant into a suction tube, add notes reagent solution 5ml, and mixed. The mouth of the tube loosely
stuffed 40min ± 10s placed in a boiling water bath. After heating, the tube immediately in cold water in the cooling calcium lignosulphonate. Plus 2.5% potassium iodide solution 2ml and 2mol / L sulfuric acid 1.5ml. After thoroughly mixed with 0.005mol / L sodium thiosulfate, using starch indicator, record the consumption volume of anger. Repeat, recording glucose standard solution (glucose standard solution 5rnl plus copper reagent 5ml) the consumption volume of ‰. Above every titration, and with 5ml of calcium lignosulphonate and bml copper reagent solution as a blank, blank titration, set the consumption volume of ‰.

2 spindle at 20r/min by a Brookfield viscometer A.Packing: PP woven bag lined with plastic film topical double packaging, net weight 25kg / bag Storage: Store
in a dry and ventilated place, should pay attention to moisture and moisture. Long-term storage is not bad, Calcium lignosulphonate pulp and paper industry, if agglomeration, crushing or dissolving the transport does not affect the results: This product non-toxic, non-flammable and explosive dangerous goods department.



The list of devices sodium gluconate

This report from the list of devices sodium gluconate, consumption of raw materials, production processes, material balance, pollution intensity analysis,
pollution prevention measures, waste water, waste gas, solid waste, emissions of major pollutants summary, material balance and emission points, etc. many aspects of the environmental elements of sodium gluconate a detailed discussion of the evaluation report can be used as an industrial environment of sodium gluconate. According to the requirements of the investment system, the government will no longer approve the feasibility study report corporate investment projects, market prospects, economic, funding, product technology programs by companies independent decisions.

When the project application report shall be submitted to become a corporate investment and construction projects approved by the Government, in order to obtain project approval authority for the proposed project's administrative license shall be submitted by the approved project feasibility reports. "Sodium gluconate project business plan," according to "People's Republic of China Administrative Licensing Law", the "Decision of the State Council on Reform of Investment System", "corporate investment projects approved by the Interim
Measures," "foreign investment projects approved by the Interim Management Measures" and the "International financial organizations and foreign government loans investment project Sodium gluconate Management Interim Measures "project
application report prepared by the provisions of general purpose text, focusing on the layout of the proposed project from planning, resource utilization, land on migration, environment, economic and social impacts such as a comprehensive demonstration Sodium gluconate, provide the asis for the relevant departments of the enterprise investment projects to be approved.

The project business plan can be combined with the actual situation of the project itself, as required for generic text content appropriate adjustments; If the proposed project does not involve one of the content, you can not explain the situation in detail after the demonstration. Help companies to prepare the project to achieve Sodium gluconate the project approval system project application report. Company team of experts sodium gluconateBen can be issued by the machinery and equipment, electronic information, petrochemicals, energy, metallurgical industry, environmental protection, food, agriculture, forestry, industry, light industry, aviation, transportation industry, pharmaceutical, medical and other industries "Class Engineering
Consulting Certificate" .



Used as a cleaning agent sodium gluconate

Used as a cleaning agent sodium gluconate: Beverage industry, food industry, brewing industry, the number of days to hundreds of millions of dollars in glass bottles, such as soda bottles, beer bottles, milk bottles, cans bottles, soy sauce, wine bottles, etc., the cleaning work is a very important thing, cleaning pharmaceutical formulations agent is a higher degree of difficulty of the technical work. Currently not yet appeared an ideal drug. The main problems are: detergent is not strong, easy to plug the washing machine nozzle and pipe; rust on bottle labels and bottlenecks to dye force is not ideal; washed trace residues on food security is not ideal (such as phosphate residues); wash water discharge into public nuisance (can not comply with the national standard). Such as sodium gluconate use in pharmaceutical formulations in their glass as the main cleaning agent, the above problems can be solved. (Eighties bottling has been done in Shanghai, Shanghai brewery large trials have identification to prove) this application is not yet developed, if a market has great potential. Water is used as a stabilizer: Because sodium gluconate has excellent corrosion and scale effect, it is widely used in water stabilizer, such as the petrochemical
business cycle cooling water system, low pressure boilers, engine cooling water systems and other treatment agents.

Because it has the following specific advantages: ⑴ obvious coordination effects. Suitable molybdenum, silicon, phosphorus, tungsten, nitrite formulations, the coordination Effect, the inhibition effect is greatly improved. ⑵ corrosion rate increases with increasing temperature. General corrosion inhibition efficiency increased with increasing temperature drop, or even completely useless. But contrary sodium gluconate, corrosion rates within a certain range to improve with increasing temperature, for example, carbon steel and other materials test, the temperature rose from 77 ℃ F on to 120 ℃ F, its average rate of 5% buffer above. Therefore, this singular feature of sodium gluconate, the higher the temperature of the system from low to high temperatures or temperature variation system, is ideal to use as a corrosion inhibitor. ⑶ scale capability: calcium, magnesium, iron complex has a strong ability to scale so strong, particularly Fe3 + chelation excellent, even in the full scope of the role of internal PH. ⑷ eliminate pollution. Using sodium gluconate as circulating cooling water corrosion inhibitor, to eliminate pollution, which is an advantage other corrosion inhibitor currently in use can not be compared. Used in medicine: Regulation of acid-base balance in the human body to restore nerve function properly, but also for the same purpose, for food additives.For medicine, you can adjust the acid-base balance in the human body
to restore nerve function normally, for the same purpose, used in food additives; Water is used as a stabilizer, and its superiority in: ⑴ obviously coordinated effects, for molybdenum, silicon, phosphorus, tungsten, nitrite, and other formulations, the coordination Effect, inhibition effect of greatly increased;
⑵ contrast with the general sodium gluconate corrosion, corrosion rate increases with increasing temperature; ⑶ scale technical ability requirements for calcium, magnesium, iron has a strong complexing ability, particularly Fe3 + has an excellent chelating;

Steel surface cleaning agent: steel surface plated bowl as needed, chrome, tin, nickel-plated to suit the special purpose, its slab surface shall be rigorously cleaned, the coating material combined with a solid steel surface, this time adding its cleaning agents sodium gluconate will achieve very good results;
Pipeline; rust on the bottle labels and bottlenecks to dye force is not ideal; washed trace residues on food security is not ideal (such as phosphate residues); wash water discharged into public nuisance; Sodium gluconate as a retarder
Sodium gluconate can significantly delay the start time and the end of the solidification of the concrete. In the amount of 0.15% or less, with the logarithm of the initial solidification increase the amount of time proportional relationship, that with increase the amount to double clotting time delay to the start times, which makes it able to work from the time few hours to a few days without compromising on strength. Especially hot days and a longer time to be placed, this is an important advantage.





Sodium gluconate successfully developed special drying machine

Sodium gluconate successfully developed special drying machine.
Changzhou National Hi-Tech Enterprise Co., Ltd. It is
composed of an air filter, fluidized bed hosts, cyclone, bag filter,
high pressure centrifugal fan, console and other components. Clean
hot air through the valve body into the bed plate assignment was
boiling hot form from the feeder into the wet material, due to the
wide range of materials in contact with hot air, enhancing the heat
and mass transfer process, so in a relatively short period of time
can be dried. If a continuous type, material enters from one end of
the bed, after tens of seconds to minutes boiling dry, automatically
flow from the other side of the bed. The main features are a dedicated dryer, fluidized bed host sectional
design, full account of the material flow and reduce dust entrainment
and high drying efficiency; reasonable host Chuangban opening rate,
to avoid leakage, and fully fluidized; by the filter , heater and
other components of Sodium gluconate handling cabinets with Open the door,
quickly removable replacement; entire system in the micro-pressure
operation, and closed, there will be no dust flying, the working
environment clean and tidy.

"2013-2018 China sodium gluconate market research and product
development prospect analysis report" CBIW new release mainly based
National Bureau of Statistics, the National Development and Reform
Commission, Ministry of Commerce, China Customs, the State Council
Development Research Center, industry associations, business,
taxation, customs, infrastructure and industry research units and
other information related publications published abroad and a lot of
the information provided, combined with Sodium gluconate market research data
analysis, experts and researchers in the Central Business reported
net. First, the report on the characteristics of the industry and the
domestic and international market environment is described, and
secondly, on the upstream and downstream industry chain of the
industry, market supply and demand and competition, etc. were careful
detailed analysis, then the report lists a number of the industry's
focus enterprises, and analyze financial data related operations.
Finally, the future prospects of the industry, investment risk and
investment strategy gives scientific advice. This report is the
industry's production, trade, distribution and other business insight
in the fierce market competition, Sodium gluconate opportunities, to adjust
business strategy according to market demand, choose the appropriate
investment opportunities and corporate leaders to do strategic
planning as a strategic investor to provide accurate market
intelligence and scientific basis for decision making.

For further drying equipment drying process characteristics of sodium gluconate, sodium
gluconate developed a special drying machine, has been sold to
WuHan XinYingDa chemical Co,Ltd, is operating normally. The
special drying machine adopts boiling dryer XF series, the series
industry standards drafted by the company and released.