
Sodium gluconate china is used in this project

Sodium gluconate china is used in this project in North China Pharmaceutical Factory oral glucose, the form of powder, 10% water. The proposed works with no acute toxic materials or hazardous substance strong chemicals. The project includes the production of solid waste and solid waste solid waste life. The mother liquor after repeated recycling process, a small amount of waste liquor produced approximately 77.3t / a, can be used as cement retarder foreign sales; addition reaction catalyst reused after a certain number of times sodium gluconate china, they will lose their activity, the amount of waste catalyst generated 0.175 t / a, the project will be spent catalyst and its associated waste liquor commission on Heidi bath fine Chemical Co. plant recovery. Currently on the market for sale fume purification technology is relatively mature, the construction unit can be selected according to specific requirements sodium gluconate china, so smoke emission control measures feasible.

The first measure was to control the noise from the first source, and can effectively reduce the scope and extent of the noise impact of the implementation of the second measure can effectively prevent the occurrence of noise nuisance, noise prevention measures are more feasible the. The main source of garbage building construction process is based spoil and construction workers digging garbage. Most of digging for foundation sodium gluconate china backfill base spoil, spoil the remaining small amount of construction waste landfill Sinotrans to deal with; garbage shall be discarded anywhere, stored in airtight bins, regularly sent to solid waste landfill disposal. Between the project staff restaurant operations using clean energy - natural gas as fuel, fume purification efficiency sodium gluconate china by 85% after treatment fume purification lead to the roof emissions, emission concentration of 1.67mg/m3, in line with "cooking fume emission standards" (GB18483-2001) standards.

Also added raw and finished packaging processes baghousedust collected recyclable. The project generated garbage about 12t / a, after the disposal of centralized collection by the sanitation department sodium gluconate china. In the course of the project to strengthen the construction of the green plant in the factory sector consisting of tall trees planted shelterbelts green, green plant in the region should be taken, shrub, flowers and a combination of ways to make the plant greening rate of 20%, Caustic Tank overall surface sodium gluconate china, and strive to build a garden type plants, greening and beautifying the plant while play wind, dust suppression, noise effect, give employees a comfortable working environment to create.


